Can ex-lovers actually still be friends?Watching sex and the city at ben's place with the peeps got me thinking..
The show depicts four women's life,and it's as close to reality as it gets.One episode was bout them meeting their ex-es and bout them dealing with the possibility of being friends again,well of which non were successful.
Some people say lovers can still be friends,because afterall they started off as friends.Some people say,it's impossible considering all the emotions and feelings involved.I saw this quote,
"If two past lovers can remain friends,either they never were in love or they still are."
It's true,yet untrue at the same time.But when it comes to feelings who can ever be sure,there can be no book that unravels this thing called love,nor anything that comes with it.There can be no-one who can grasp this mysterious thing we look in awe.Probably one of the most desired,most cherished,yet at the same time the most uncherished and most invisible thing.
Between two it creates a bond so intense,that it invokes every emotion and passion in one.It's so strong,strong enough to bring one to knees and tears.If you were to ask me my take on this,i can never say for sure if two ex lovers can actually be friends.
I'm still friends with the first girl i ever fell for,and that didn't come without 2 years of maturity between the both of us.It took two years,but still we were friends again,maybe i just couldn't accept the fact,or maybe i just didn't wanna be reminded of the loss i suffered.Two years with someone,doesn't make it hard to comprehend why it was hard.
Fast forward two years,and yet another two years of maturity,i thought i was ready.Standing back up from my fall,and after nursing back the wounds,i was ready to once again.I opened my heart and becamse vulnerable once again,for i thought that this one would not cut me a single wound.Things took off great,and fast forward six months later cracks appeared in this knight's armour.What're a few cracks in a relationship right you might ask?Just before it had a chance to be mended the armour fell apart,along with the two people encased within.
Right now,those two are but mere strangers,there is nothing,not even coldness,or a tinge of bitterness when they meet.Why can't they be friends?Is it the girl?No its the guy.It's not because he'd still childish,he's grown up now and he thinks and sees much further.
I've been thinking and i finally came up with an answer,my own answer to myself to that question if two ex lovers could be friends still.My answer is,yes,but hardly.And in this case,i can't and i won't because i've loved too deeply,and she'd hurt too deeply.The pain comes, in that when you firmly believe and put your faith in someone,and he or she just breaks it all.I would be her friend,just like before,but she's beyond recognition after all that she's done,she's no longer that person i knew.Her image tarnished,and her name when uttered brings a kind of coldness to my heart.Two ex lovers can be friends,only if it was a mutual breakup that didn't hurt.But then again,if they both truly loved,would there be a breakup then..
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